Saturday, November 8, 2008

Quick Tip - Garlic in bulk

Don't waste money on jars of garlic cloves or buying them individually as you need them.

For less than $1.50 you can get a bag of 6 or more bulbs and store them so that they taste as fresh as they did the day you peeled them.

Simply separate the cloves, peel and place in a jar. Cover with a good quality vegetable oil and pop it in the fridge! They last forever and the strength of the garlic never fades.

I also place a few in the bottom of a glass bottle and fill it up with oil. I let it stand for several weeks and it takes on a marvelous garlic flavour that is fantastic on any roast or to give any meal that bit of garlic flavour.

1 comment:

Clara said...

Great blog nut - love the icecream recipe and your tip for freezing onions.

I just wanted to give you a heads up on storing garlic in oil - you shouldn't store for more than 3 weeks as you could be risking botulism poisoning... if you google garlic and oil you'll find quite a few links.

Here's a website that has a bit of information (about 1/2 way down the page).